How to Cure HPV Warts During Pregancy
Some genital warts clear up on their own, while others require medical intervention. In general, genital warts do not require medical intervention during a pregnancy.
Things You'll Need
- Trichloracetic Acid (TCA) prescription
- Wooden stick or plastic wand (comes with TCA prescription)
- Small, hand-held mirror
- Clean, wet cloth or wipe
- Baking soda
Self-Care of Genital Warts with TCA
Clean the affected area with a mild soapy solution and warm water using a washcloth or wipe.
Use a small, hand-held mirror to find the warts on your vagina. Warts can be located on the vulva or surrounding tissue, inside the vulva, and even inside the vaginal opening.
Use a wooden stick or a plastic wand to carefully dab each wart with prescription Trichloracetic Acid (TCA). Lay still until the TCA turns a frosty white color, indicating that it has dried and is working properly.
Use the mirror to inspect the vagina and check for excess TCA that may have dripped or been left behind unintentionally by the wooden stick or plastic wand.
Rub a small amount of baking soda anywhere there is excess TCA. TCA is deactivated by baking soda. Only apply the baking soda in areas where TCA is unwarranted--not over existing warts, as this will impede the treatment of those warts.