Natural Remedies for Human Papilloma Virus

The human papilloma virus (HPV) is responsible for warts and sores, including those on the genitals. Natural therapies are best used as a complement to conventional treatments. They can strengthen immunity and help fight the virus. HPV can remain in the body in an inactive form and new outbreaks are always a possibility. Keeping up with these natural strategies may reduce the risk of recurrences. The University of Maryland Medical Center and alternative medicine expert Dr. Andrew Weil offers the suggestions included in this article.
  1. Strengthening immunity

    • A strong immune system is better equipped to fight the HPV virus. You want to enhance immune function by consuming foods and supplements that boost immunity and fight inflammation. A experienced practitioner would be able to suggest a supplement regimen, as of the ones listed here are not necessary for every individual.

      Fish oil supplements contain omega-3 fatty acids, which enhance immunity and fight inflammation. Take one to two capsules twice a day. Co-enzyme Q10 (200 milligrams at bedtime) and N-acetyl cysteine (200 milligrams daily) are powerful antioxidants. Probiotics enhance immune health and also help fight off harmful viruses, bacteria and fungi. Probiotics are available in a variety of forms. Take your chosen supplement as directed.

      Fruits and vegetables are rich in inflammation-fighting antioxidants. Eat healthier protein sources like beans, whole grains and whole soy foods. Eat healthy fats like those found in cold-water fish, nuts and seeds.

      Reduce your consumption of foods that promote inflammation. These foods include saturated fats found in animal products, white flour foods and foods high in sugar.

      Keep your immune system strong by getting adequate rest and exercise. Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep every night and exercise for at least 30 minutes five days a week.

      Acupuncture may also enhance immunity.

    Fighting the virus

    • Many natural supplements have strong antiviral properties. They can attack HPV.

      Use grapefruit seed extract. You can put five to 10 drops of extract in the beverage of your choice three times a day or take 100 milligrams three times a day.

      Herbs that exhibit anti-viral action are cat's claw (20 milligrams three times a day), reishi mushroom (300 milligrams three times a day) and olive leaf extract (500 milligrams three times a day).

    Getting the right advice

    • Always consult your doctor before beginning any health care regimen. Be sure to tell your physician that you would like to try herbal remedies for HPV and follow the advice she gives you.

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