HPV Symptoms for Guys
The Facts
More than 40 types of HPV can infect sexually active individuals. As many as 50 percent of people will be infected with HPV in their lifetime. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 90 percent of HPV infections clear up on their own. Many men are infected with HPV and are not aware of it.
Men with HPV and weak immune systems are more likely to develop anal cancer than men with healthy immune systems. For gay or bisexual men infected with HPV, the risk of developing anal cancer is 17 times greater than that of heterosexual men.
Types of HPV fall into two groups. Low-risk types often result in genital warts but don't lead to cancer. High-risk types result in penile or anal cancer when left untreated.
Genital warts can be flat, slightly raised, in clusters resembling cauliflower and appear singly or in groups. Warts will appear on the penis, testicles, anus or groin of men infected with HPV.
Common signs and symptoms of penile cancer are a discoloration of the penis, thickening of the skin, sores and the development of excess tissue. These symptoms do not always occur.
Common signs of anal cancer are itching in and around the anus, bleeding or discharge from the anus and pain. Surrounding lymph nodes may also be swollen. Other symptoms include changes in the appearance of stool or changes in bowel movement routines. As with penile cancer, symptoms do not always occur.
Using condoms during sexual activity may help prevent the spread of HPV by men infected with the virus. Because the virus also lives on the skin areas not covered by a condom, abstinence is the only way to completely prevent the spread of HPV.
There are no tests for diagnosing HPV in men. No vaccines exist to prevent HPV in men, and there are no cures or treatment for men infected with the disease.