How to fight back against the HPV
Women should get regular pap smears. When diagnosed with HPV, it is important to keep your appointments every 3 months to monitor the progress of the virus and make sure it doesn't result in cervical cancer. If you have had genital warts, you will be at increased risk of cervical cancer, and a pap smear can provide early detection, making treatment easier. If you don't have genital warts (low risk strain of virus), does not mean you don't have HPV. Most times the tests on the Pap Smear will come back with LSIL and that just means that you have the high risk type of HPV that if not monitored can result in cervical cancer. Do not be alarmed because I have a few tips to help with your immune system to fight it.
Waiting. For most people, HPV infections tend to disappear within one to three years. Even women who show pre cancerous cervical lesions due to HPV sometimes have them resolve when the body figures out how to fight back from the virus.
Use an over-the-counter wart treatment if you have genital warts. These will not get rid of the virus itself but can treat the symptoms, their are many online places to order these creams so confidentiality can be kept. Make sure when placing online orders to look for creams that are made of natural ingredients. If over-the-counter treatments do not work, see a physician for guidance.
Don't smoke, or quit if you currently smoke. Limit use of birth control for at least the first 6 months, birth control tends to fuel the virus into progressing in your immune system. Eat a healthy diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh produce contains antioxidant, which many people believe helps the immune system to fight off infections and clear chronic infections. Vitamins recommended: twice the recommended intake of Folic Acid for at least 6 months, B12 and Vitamin C.
Most important thing to remember when dealing with HPV, is that you are not alone with this- just consider it as being sick for a period of time. It will go into a sleep mode and you will not have to worry so much about the cancer aspects of it. Keep an open mind and remember that it is triggered by stress so outbreaks of warts will be more common in people with high stress. Another thing to consider if you want to still date there are sites made for people with STDs so the world isn't coming to an end.