What Does HPV in the Mouth Look Like?
Mouth HPV usually presents initially by red spots or redness in the mouth and throat. This redness may itch, but it doesn't always cause itchiness.
Red or pink spots in the mouth is another sign of HPV. These spots are small, raised lumps that may feel painful to the touch or when the person is eating.
Small Warts
HPV also presents as small warts in the mouth. These warts are usually white or gray in appearance, and they may look slightly lumpy.
Larger Warts
When the HPV worsens, larger warts form, and the smaller warts begin clumping together to form large masses. These wart groups can even spread to the outside of the mouth and onto the face.
Not all patients with HPV in the mouth present the same way. Some may notice small bumps that have no pain or yellow colored warts along their lips. Any abnormalities should be reported to a doctor.