| | Conditions Treatments | HPV
Herbal Remedies for HPV
There are several herbal remedies for the Human Papillomavirus. HPV infections cause common warts, plantar warts and genital warts. It also causes cervical and rectal cancer. Millions of people of all ages and both genders are infected with HPV. There are more than 100 different types. While there is a vaccine for some forms of HPV, all forms of the virus can benefit from herbal treatments.-
Goldenseal is good at fighting HPV infections because of its antibacterial and antibiotic properties. This herb can be used internally or topically on warts.
Echinacea improves the immune system and this helps to fight HPV infections. The herb is available as a supplement and as a tonic.
Lemon Balm
This herb is well known to reduce the healing times of herpes outbreaks because it is an antiviral. Apply lemon balm oil to the wart or drink the herb as a tea.
This herb contains betulinic acid. Applied to the wart the mild acid breaks down the hard covering of warts.
Garlic strengthens the immune system. It also has antiviral properties useful in treatment HPV infection. The juice of garlic can be applied directed to the warts.