How to Use Cryotherapy for Genital Warts
Get a preliminary examination. Before you use cryotherapy on the warts a dermatologist needs to look at the warts to see if they can be treated with cryotherapy and, more importantly, if the warts aren't a sign of a more serious condition such as human papilloma virus (HPV).
Use liquid nitrogen. To freeze the warts pour a small amount of liquid nitrogen into a Styrofoam cup. Dip a Q-tip into the nitrogen and then gently apply the nitrogen to the wart, without spreading it to unaffected patches of skin. Apply the nitrogen with two or three strokes and stop to see if the warts freeze.
Allow the warts to thaw. After the warts thaw for a few minutes re-apply the nitrogen to the warts to freeze them once again. The warts should display a slight discoloration, which at first will tend towards redness and irritation. A mild amount of pain and discomfort can be expected, but serious pain indicates that something may be wrong and should be attended by a doctor.
Bandage the warts and wait for them to fall off. The amount of time required for the warts to fall off can vary greatly, but you can expect something between one and three weeks. Allow the warts to fall of on their own and don't pick at them or try to cut them off.
See a doctor. It's important to continue to see a doctor about the warts since cryotherapy on genital warts only removes the warts. It doesn't cure HPV or any other serious condition that may have caused the warts.