Reasons for Low Blood Sugar Levels
Low blood sugar is usually defined by levels below 60 mg/dL, although some people feel symptoms above this level. Levels below 50 mg/dL can harm brain function.
Medical Reasons
Hypoglycemia can result from: misused insulin or anti-diabetic drugs; drug changes or overdose; severe infection; kidney, pancreas or liver disease; gastric surgery; inherited metabolic problems; hormone deficiencies; or insulinomas.
Lifestyle-Related Causes
Lifestyle-related reasons for low blood sugar might include: changes in activity; alcohol intoxication; certain toxic ingestions; fasting, starvation or other alimentary problems.
Signs & Symptoms
Hypoglycemia initially manifests through tremors, clammy skin, palpitations, anxiety, sweating, hunger and irritability. More serious symptoms include headaches, mental confusion, fainting, seizures and coma.
Patient education and proper attention to lifestyle, nutrition and mealtimes can help prevent low blood sugar. Quick-sugar foods, fruit juice or non-diet soda are recommended short-term treatments.
It's important to recognize early symptoms of low blood sugar and seek urgent care if the person becomes confused because prolonged hypoglycemia can cause brain damage or death.