Signs of Low Blood Sugar Levels
Mild Symptoms
When blood sugar levels fall below 70 mg/dl, a person may experience some of the following: trembling, intense hunger, nervousness, jitters, rapid heartbeat, cold, sweats and tingling in the fingertips or lips.
Moderate Low Blood Sugar
When blood sugar levels fall below 55 mg/dl a person may have the following sensations: blurred vision, lack of energy, anxiety, anger, weakness, lack of coordination, headache, dizziness, slurred speech, trouble walking, drowsiness and fatigue.
Severe Low Blood Sugar
If a person's blood sugar drops below 35-40 mg/dl, it is classified as severe low blood sugar. Seizures may occur and body temperature may plummet. A person may lose consciousness and/or fall into a coma.
Nighttime Low Blood Sugar Symptoms
Nighttime low blood sugar symptoms are known to include nightmares, insomnia, sweats and being jolted out of sleep. Many will simply sleep through nighttime symptoms.
Morning Low Blood Sugar Symptoms
Morning low blood sugar symptoms may cause a person to wake up with a headache, to have an intermittent or very temporary loss of memory or to feel light or foggy-headed.
Knowing the Cause
Sometimes the cause of low blood sugar lies in skipping meals or waiting too long to eat. Increased exercise, certain medicines, alcohol and too much insulin are also named as causes. If you suspect low blood sugar, consult your doctor.