How to Treat Reactive Hypoglycemia
Avoid all desserts, regular soda and any other food items that contain elemental sugar, especially on an empty stomach. These food items can trigger a reactive hypoglycemic attack.
Eliminate caffeine from your diet. Caffeine keeps people awake due to the increase in blood glucose.
Eat more often; frequent snacks will help to cut back or eliminate attacks. Usually about every three hours is best. Good snack choices include high-fiber snacks, whole grains, fresh vegetables and protein such as peanuts or cheese. Snacks that can be slowly digested are best.
Exercise often and on a regular basis but be sure to eat. When you exercise for an extended period of time you must replenish your glucose production by eating.
Keep alcohol consumption to a minimum. If you do have an alcoholic beverage be sure to have a snack with it. The snack will help reduce your chance of having a hypoglycemic attack.