How to Control Hypoglycemia With Diet
Plan smaller meals more frequently. Most people with hypoglycemia will have the best results with a diet that includes protein and fiber between 4 and 6 times a day.
Eat complex carbohydrates and proteins for energy instead of sugar. Complex carbohydrates include buckwheat, oatmeal and any whole grain foods.
Increase fiber in your diet. Soluble fiber breaks down in your digestive system into a sticky substance. This substance slows down the speed that food empties from the stomach as well as the absorption rate of the glucose. High fiber foods at meal time will help to reduce hypoglycemic symptoms between meals. A good choice of fiber is flax, whole grains and whole fruits. White flour products often contain no fiber.
Avoid eating simple carbohydrates and sugars. Be sure to read package labels and don't buy products that list ingredients such as sugar, corn syrup or corn sweeteners. It is alright to eat artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes, however these may carry their own health risks. Use them sparingly if at all.
Control the amount of fats that you eat. Fat should make up no more than 30% of your diet and it should be the good fats that lower cholesterol, such as avocadoes, olive oil and foods containing omega-3 fatty acids. Many nutrionists believe that eating healthy fat at each meal with a protein and carbohydrate can balance your blood sugar.
Give up the alcohol. Alcohol is high in calories and excessive consumption an cause hypoglycemia. If you already have problems with hypoglycemia, drinking alcohol can be risky since it can cause blood sugar fluctuations.
Stay away from caffeine. Consuming caffeine causes the body to make more adrenaline. Hypoglycemics are already producing high adrenaline levels. Caffeine will make hypoglycemic symptoms worse.