How to Recognize the Symptoms of Hypoglycemia

It may seem hard to miss the symptoms of hypoglycemia. But if you are very busy, very stressed, have had the condition for a long time or have a change in symptoms, you could ignore them until they reach a dangerous point. If you stay conscious of your body's warning signals, though, you may be able to prevent serious complications.


  1. Recognize The Symptoms Of Hypoglycemia

    • 1

      Identify the early symptoms (shaking, dizziness, pale skin, sudden irritability) before they become severe (mental confusion, headache, fainting, seizure).

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      Make sure those close to you (spouse, friends, coworkers) know the symptoms, in case you are not able to recognize them.

    • 3

      Stay prepared. Know what foods or activities are likely to cause a spike or a drop in your blood sugar.

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      Know your own body. Symptoms often fall into a pattern you can recognize, such as irritability before meals, dizziness after strenuous activity, going pale in the face and others.

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      Stay aware of your situation. Know how long it has been since you ate, if something has prevented you from eating properly or if the activity you are engaged in may require you to stop for a snack.

    • 6

      Watch for changes in your symptoms. For a long period of time you may experience, for example, profuse sweating as your first sign, and then it might change to a rapid, pounding heartbeat (palpitations).

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      Ask a spouse or friend to keep track of you. If you tend to get so deeply involved in things that you are unaware of passing time, ask someone to remind you when it is time to eat.

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