What does hypoglycemic mean?
When the body's blood sugar level drops below the normal range, it can cause various symptoms, including dizziness, lightheadedness, confusion, tiredness, blurry vision, shakiness, sweating, and hunger. In extreme cases, severe hypoglycemia can lead to seizures, unconsciousness, and even death if left untreated.
Hypoglycemia can occur due to several factors, such as administering excessive insulin or oral medications in diabetes treatment, prolonged periods of fasting or not eating enough, certain medical conditions that afectan the liver, kidney, or pancreas, alcohol abuse, and certain types of tumors.
Management of hypoglycemia involves recognizing and promptly treating low blood sugar episodes. This usually includes consuming a source of sugar or carbohydrates to raise blood glucose levels. Individuals with diabetes or certain medical conditions may require regular monitoring of their blood sugar levels and may need to adjust their medications and diet to prevent or manage episodes of hypoglycemia.
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