No Carb Diet for Hypoglycemia
Some factors that can bring on hypoglycemia are meals or snacks that are skipped, too small or delayed; vigorous exercise; and alcoholic drinks. While exercise has wonderful benefits for the body it can also lower blood sugar levels and can cause hypoglycemia for diabetics who do not make their own insulin. Hypoglycemia can even occur 24 hours after exercise has been completed. It is important to discuss your hypoglycemia symptoms with family and friends so they know when you are experiencing it and they can get you help immediately.
There are many different conflicting reports on the proper hypoglycemic diet but the truth is that each individual metabolism is different and each individual diet should be discussed with your doctor or dietitian prior to changing it. Since food and hypoglycemia can go hand in hand it is very important not to take chances on your food choices. Most dietitians and doctors recommend eliminating sugar, white flour, alcohol, caffeine and tobacco because they can wreak the most havoc on blood glucose levels. Sugar, candy and soft drinks should be replaced with water, diet soda, sugar-free candy and artificial sweeteners. However, you should be careful how you eliminate caffeine. For example f you drink several cups a day you should gradually cut back as opposed to quitting cold turkey, as you could experience caffeine withdrawal side effects. You should then replace the bad foods with healthy nutritious foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. Foods that are acceptable are lean meats without their skin, whole grains, vegetables and certain fruits. While it is nearly impossible to eliminate all carbohydrates from your diet, it is possible to cut back safely as long as it is done under a doctor's supervision and guidance.