Recommended Diet for Hypoglycemia
Foods to Avoid
Avoid eating high sugar foods such as ice cream, candy, cookies and cakes. These can trigger a spike and then a drop in your blood sugar. If you do eat foods that are high in sugar, you must limit it to a very small portion and also eat some protein or fat at the same time. Protein and fat slow the body's insulin response, helping to stabilize your blood sugar.
Keep a food diary of everything you eat. Record the times that you eat and how you are feeling after you eat the food. Anytime you have low blood sugar, write down the time. That way you can go back and analyze your food diary to figure out what foods are triggering your low blood sugar. You may be surprised at the culprits.
Avoid juice and other sugary drinks. Juice is high in sugar and doesn't contain any protein or fat to help your body handle the sugar. Limit the amount of juice you drink; consider watering it down so that you can still drink your juice but won't have the same insulin response.
Eliminate sugar, white flour, alcohol, caffeine and tobacco from your diet. These things can have negative affects on your blood sugar.
Foods to Eat
Eat plenty of lean protein. You can get protein from sources such as skinless poultry, lean cuts of meat, fish, legumes, beans, dairy products, eggs, nuts, and seeds. Eating a source of protein every three hours will help you maintain your blood sugar at a steady level. You can eat carbohydrates too, but it's best to include at least some protein every time you eat. Eat complex carbohydrates such as starch, brown rice, whole wheat pasta and whole grains instead of white bread, white rice and regular pasta.
Choose snacks that have at least three grams of protein and no more than 10 grams of sugar. Eat plenty of vegetables and whole grains. You can eat fruits in small amounts, but don't eat dried fruits.
Always carry a snack with you. It is important to be able to eat without having to hunt down food. Once you start to feel that your blood sugar is dropping, it's too late. If you feel that your blood sugar is getting low, eat something as quickly as possible to bring your blood sugar back up. To bring your blood sugar back up drink some orange juice or a regular soft drink like Coke, Pepsi or Dr Pepper. The clear soft drinks don't have as much sugar. Wait about 20 minutes for your blood sugar to go back up from the sugary drink, then eat some protein to stabilize your blood sugar.