What is the first course of action when treating hypothermia or frostbite?
1. Move the person indoors immediately.
2. Call 911 or your local emergency number.
3. Remove wet clothing.
4. Warm the person slowly. Place the person in a warm bath or immerse the person's hands and feet in warm water.
5. Give the person warm drinks, such as hot soup, if conscious. Do not give the person alcohol or caffeine.
1. Immerse the affected area in warm water (101°F-104°F) until the area is thawed and color returns. Do not rub or massage the affected area.
2. Cover the affected area with sterile gauze or a clean cloth to prevent infection.
3. Elevate the affected area if possible.
4. Give the person pain medication, such as ibuprofen, if needed.
5. See a doctor as soon as possible.