What is first aid for hypothermia?
1. Call for Help:
- Immediately call emergency services (911 or your local emergency number).
2. Protect from Further Cooling:
- Move the person to a warm and sheltered area, away from the cold.
- Remove any wet clothing and replace them with dry clothing or blankets.
3. Provide Warmth:
- Use blankets or sleeping bags to cover the person's head, neck, and torso.
- Place warm water bottles or heat packs (wrapped in a towel) near the person's armpits, neck, and groin areas to help raise the body temperature.
4. Handling Extremities:
- Do not rub the person's skin, as this can damage the skin and cause further heat loss.
- Avoid applying direct heat sources like heating pads or hot water bottles directly to the person's skin. This can cause burns.
5. Give Warm Drinks (if Conscious):
- If the person is conscious and alert, offer them warm fluids like hot chocolate or soup to help raise their internal temperature. Do not give alcohol or caffeine as these can worsen the condition.
6. Monitor Breathing:
- Continuously monitor the person's breathing and responsiveness. If their breathing becomes shallow or stops, start CPR if you are trained.
7. Avoid Sudden Movements:
- Avoid unnecessary movement and handling of the person, as it can cause a dangerous drop in blood pressure.
8. Stay with the Person:
- Stay with the person until professional medical help arrives. Continue to provide warmth and support until help arrives.
Remember that hypothermia is a serious medical condition that requires prompt medical attention. If you suspect someone is experiencing hypothermia, take immediate action and seek professional help as soon as possible.
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