How to Keep Fingers Warm in Sub Zero Temperatures
Prepare for the cold if a trip is anticipated. Pack and wear appropriate hand gear to keep your hands and fingers warm. Gloves are practical for use in skiing or hiking in the snow, but mittens may be a better choice. Mittens allow the fingers to be close together, keeping the whole hand warm.
Purchase and use hand warmers inside your gloves or mittens. Hand warmers are small packages that emit heat when moved around. A chemical reaction within them causes them to heat up, and they can be stored inside gloves or mittens.
Warm your fingers with your own body heat. If you are stuck outside in extreme temperatures with no gloves or mittens, use your body heat to keep your fingers from freezing. Put your hands in your arm pits, groin or behind your knees. These are some of the warmest places on your body and they will help keep the frostbite away.
Keep your body warm. Even though it may be hard to do in the cold, it is important to keep your body moving. Walk at a steady pace, but don't work up a sweat; sweating may lead to hypothermia. It is ideal to keep the blood moving and circulating in your body, which will aid in warming your fingers.
Warm your fingers by a fire. If you are lucky enough to be able to start a fire while stranded, use the heat to warm your body. If your fingers are numb before you put them to the fire, use extreme caution not to cause burns on your skin. It is possible that frostbite has set in and you would not be able to feel that your skin is very hot and burning.