How to Stop Hot Flashes & Weight Gain in Women
Stay cool, it's not just a mindset. Bring a small, portable fan to the office. Install one over the bed. Dress in layers so you can take off a blouse or sweater if you feel uncomfortable. Drink iced tea instead of hot, white wine instead of red, and eat mild instead of spicy foods. Stay hydrated.
Exercise every day. If you don't have time to get to the gym, try finding alternative ways to get active. When you start to feel hungry, take a walk around the office or neighborhood. Use stairs every day instead of the elevator. During daylight hours, park further away from the entrance to work or the store. While watching television at night, practice your favorite yoga moves or simple stretches. This will help you avoid weight gain; thinner women have less severe hot flashes.
Change your diet. Eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. Cut back on fatty cheeses and creams, as well as red meat, and choose more fruits and vegetables. This will reduce hunger pangs as well as lessen the effects of hot flashes.
Stop smoking. Women who smoke have a harder time losing the weight that comes with menopause. They also tend to complain more about hot flashes. In addition, women who quit smoking often sleep better and suffer from fewer mood swings.
Consult your doctor. There are several medications and hormone therapies that can lessen the severity of hot flashes and control weight gain. Your physician should be able to tell you if what you're experiencing is normal or something of concern.