How to Reduce Nausea by Self Hypnosis
Your mind is open to suggestion while you're in a hypnotic state, and it's through this state of consciousness that you literally can reprogram your thoughts, beliefs, fears and behavior, and even counter the the effects of illness, such as nausea. Your subconscious is your obedient servant and is a great tool for self-healing. Visit a professional hypnotist who can show you how self-hypnosis works, or learn how to do it on your own.
Things You'll Need
- Quiet area where you'll be undisturbed for 30 to 40 minutes.
- Pen and notebook
- Comfortable chair or bed
Self-Hypnosis Steps
Remove pets and turn off your television, telephone and any other device that can disturb you. Drink a glass of water to hydrate your body and visit the bathroom if necessary.
You can sit upright on a comfortable chair or lie down on a bed; sitting is a better option because it's less likely you'll fall asleep.
Write down some positive affirmations (statements) of what you want to achieve during your session. For nausea, write something like, "With each breath out, I release all feelings of nausea," "My body feels so good right now," "I think about my body in positive ways," "I am full of energy and health," "I love and approve of myself," "I am safe."
Close your eyes and take several deep, slow breaths, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Let each breath carry you deeper into relaxation.
Imagine a scene that makes you feel totally relaxed, filling in as much detail as you can and using all of your senses. For example, see yourself walking along the beach on a beautiful, sunny day, feeling the warm, soft sand between your toes, smelling the ocean breeze, tasting the salty air, noticing and hearing the seagulls as they fly by in formation, and seeing the frothy waves roll in and out.
See yourself standing in front of a door, open it and walk into a brilliant, warm light, until you come to the top of a spiral staircase with 10 steps. As you descend, count from 10 to 1 for each step, feeling yourself going deeper in relaxation with every step.
Say to yourself after taking the last step, "I am now deeply relaxed and calm." Repeat the positive statements you prepared as many times as you desire, adding more if you wish.
Walk to the lower step of the spiral staircase and begin your return, counting each step from 1 to 10.
Open the door at the top of the stairs, walk through the brilliant, comforting light and notice you're back in your room. Smile and take a few moments to enjoy all of the good feelings sweeping over you, saying, "I am now awake and back in my room." Then open your eyes.
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