Natural Treatment of Tuberculosis
Milk contains calcium, the chief ingredient needed to fight tuberculosis. You can use an all-milk diet to combat the illness, but you need to undertake a three-day fast of raw juices---preferably orange juice---before starting this regimen. During an all-milk diet, a patient should drink a glass of milk every two hours on the first day and half a glass of milk every hour on the second day. Increase your milk intake gradually until you're drinking a glass of milk every half-hour. You should drink a total of six liters of milk each day. Raw, unpasteurized milk, when available, is said to produce the best results.
Indian gooseberry
Indian gooseberry, also called amla, is rich in Vitamin C and useful for fighting a variety of ailments. It contains 30 times the amount of vitamin C found in oranges. For tuberculosis, each morning mix and take a tablespoon each of Indian gooseberry juice and honey.
Pineapple Juice
Pineapple juice has proved beneficial for eliminating the mucus that accompanies tuberculosis. The fruit contains bromelain, a protein-digesting enzyme. Drink a glass daily to aid your recovery.
Mint juice
Mint juice can act as a detoxifying weapon to help cleanse the body of side effects from tuberculosis medications. Some also claim that it nourishes the lungs and helps strengthen immunity. Combine a glass of mint juice and two teaspoons each pure malt vinegar and honey with 150 ml of carrot juice. Drink this mixture three times daily.
Sunlight provides the body with Vitamin D, a key ingredient in fighting respiratory problems such as tuberculosis. According to the American College of Chest Physicians, heliopathy---the treatment of disease by sunlight---is one of the most ancient therapeutic methods. The group claims that sunlight acts as a tonic to the whole body. It's proved to be most effective in treating extra-pulmonary tuberculosis.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, tuberculosis symptoms include general weakness, coughing, chest pain and coughing up blood.