Treatment for Mold Infection
To effectively treat a mold infection you must rid the colon of fungus mold. This is done by using ozone water and hydrogen peroxide to irrigate the colon. The bloodstream absorbs and circulates oxygen. The energy needed to optimize your metabolism and remove the mold infection from your system is restored when there is enough oxygen in your blood stream. Your body's natural immunity is restored after this process because the toxins that were stored in your fat tissues are now turned to waste and eliminated from your system.
You should purchase a colon cleanse for mold infection from your health food store. This cleanser contains the essential substances such as ozone water and hydrogen peroxide to rid the colon of fungus mold. These cleansers are not only designed to eliminate mold and fungus but to restore your organ and tissue function as well as balance your body's natural chemistry.
You should eat fresh organic vegetables such as squash and bananas to aid in the growth of good bacteria in the colon. Lactic acid is produced from good bacteria, which helps to lower the large intestine pH levels. This encourages the body's natural elimination of harmful substances. While treating a mold infection you should also eat unprocessed food that is either partially cooked or raw. These foods will aid in the elimination of any toxins or debris in the intestines.
Side effects
While treating a mold infection you may experience a few side effects such as sinus or chest congestion, headaches, diarrhea, boils or skin eruption. These side effects are commonly referred to as the "healing crisis." They occur when mold and other toxins are being released from your body through your lungs, kidney, skin or bowels. These symptoms prove that the mold and toxins are actually being removed from your body. The "healing crisis" only lasts for a short period of time, until your body has rid itself of foreign substances.
To help prevent a mold infection you should drink the recommended daily amount of water to flush out your system. If is important to maintain a clean living environment to ensure that fungus is not growing. Mold can only live and grow in humid or moist environments. You should keep a proper flow of fresh air in your home to prevent mold infection. An indoor air purifier is a great way to keep a clean flow of air in your home.