Risk Factors for Alcholism
There are many causes for alcoholism. Some of these include stress, depression, low self-esteem, being around other alcoholics, and substance abuse.
Risk Factors
Some of the risk factors of alcoholism include genetics, your age, family history, your sex, and emotional disorders. Depending on your genetics, you can be more susceptible to alcoholism. If you have a family history, the condition may be passed down to you. According to Mayo Clinic, men are more prone to alcoholism than women. Depression can also cause you to drink.
Symptoms of alcoholism are fairly easily to recognize. They include drinking in secret, feeling a compulsion to drink, drinking every day, getting drunk consistently, the inability to limit alcohol consumption, keeping alcohol around constantly in your home, work, or in the car, or experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not drinking.
Alcohol can lead to complications such as liver disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, bone loss, nervous system complications, increased risk of cancer, and birth defects to an unborn child.
If you feel you or a loved one is already an alcoholic, your doctor may be able to help by prescribing therapy and medication to help you with the addiction. You can also find an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting in your area.