Homeopathic Vs. Western Medicine
Western medicine considers the part rather then the whole when it comes to illness. The illnesses are in defined groups with the meaning of the illness often not being considered. For example, a cough would lead a Western medicine practitioner to concentrate on the chest. Homeopathy takes into account the whole person and views the illness as representing an imbalance.
Western medicine first considers symptoms, viewing them as negative and prescribing treatments aimed to make them disappear. Homeopathy, in contrast, evaluates symptoms with the intention of restoring balance to the person.
In Western medicine, the diagnosis is the structural cause of the ailment. For example, if you are diagnosed with pneumonia that is the structural cause of the sickness and symptoms. In homeopathy, the diagnosis attempts to understand the phenomenon of the illness while taking the whole person into account.
In Western medicine, the doctor's recommendations are emphasized, while in homeopathy the concept of self-care is given a great deal of importance.
In Western medicine the treatment is based on medications that counteract and subdue the symptoms. Homeopathy works on the principle that like should be treated by like with low doses of potent medicine.