Home Treatment for Sinus Infections
Symptoms of sinus infection include intense pressure and pain behind the eyes and nose. The airway behind the nose is often blocked, making it difficult to breath. There is also a great deal of sinus drainage involved.
According to emedicinehealth.com, sinus infections are often confused with upper respiratory infections. A physical examination performed by a doctor is required for proper diagnosis.
Fluids are the most important home remedy for sinus infections. Hot, soothing beverages, such as tea, can help calm a sore throat and break up sinus congestion.
Steam therapy involves the inhalation of steam two to four times daily. Using a towel, direct steam from a vaporizer or container of hot water toward your nasal passages and breathe it in for 10 minutes.
Over-the-counter medications such as Robitussin and Mucinex help soften and thin out mucus trapped in sinus cavities. With the help of medication, mucus can be expelled or drained more readily.