Motion Sickness Tips When Going to an Amusement Park
There is a pressure point located near the wrist which, when activated, helps alleviate symptoms like nausea and vomiting. This pressure point is on the inside of your forearm, on the upper wrist, about two inches above the wrist. If you are not familiar with the position of the pressure point, you can buy acupressure wrist bands or motion sickness bracelets, which work on the same principle and can help you locate these key pressure points.
Ginger is an ancient remedy used by sailors to overcome the motion sickness that came with long voyages. A plant that's found in Southeast Asia, ginger has been researched extensively for its medicinal properties. Health food outlets store ginger either in the dried form or as capsules, which should be taken half an hour before you head towards the amusement park. Alternatively, you can pop ginger gum into your mouth and chew on it while you are at the park.
Medicines and Suppositories
There are drugs that can be bought over the counter to control the symptoms of motion sickness. They are non-habit forming drugs, and there are no major side effects associated with them. Some of these are Antivert and Dramamine, and they are taken an hour or so before leaving for the amusement park. The effects of the drug will usually last as long as four to eight hours, giving you enough time to enjoy your rides.
Rectal suppositories such as the promethazine ones are a great help in controlling nausea and vomiting. These suppositories cannot be bought without a prescription. Once used, they are able to control motion sickness for up to eight hours.
In most cases, motion sickness can be avoided by taking a few preventive measures. Avoid eating a heavy meal before the trip or while you are at the park. Stick to light snacks and non-spicy foods. Also, dairy products and foods that are high in proteins or contain excessive salt should be best kept for until after the trip. That way, you'll make sure that you enjoy your trip to the park and keep your food in, where it's supposed to be.