Side Effects of Clindamycin HCL 150
Where Clindamycin HCL 150 is most effective against specific strains of bacteria, there is the risk of overgrowth of other strains of bacteria which are resistant to this drug. As a result, another infection may develop while the primary infection is being treated with this antibiotic.
Hypersensitivity, or allergic reaction may occur when taking Clindamycin HCL 150 and present with itching and a rash. Other side effects include colitis, nausea and vomiting and abnormal liver enzyme levels.
Colitis is an infectious inflammation of the colon and may be mild to extremely severe in nature. Occurrence of frequent diarrhea, abdominal pain or bloating while on Clindamycin HCL 150 should be immediately reported.
Symptoms related to an allergic reaction, nausea and vomiting, to Clindamycin HCL 150 typical resolve upon discontinuing the drug. Colitis will require medical treatment which may include administration of IV fluids and an anti-infective medication such as Flagyl.
Clindamycin HCL 150 should be taken as prescribed and only to treat bacterial infections. Misuse of antibiotics such as Clindamycin HCL may lead to bacteria developing resistance to certain antibiotics.