Axillary Sinus Disease
Approximately 35 million Americans suffer from inflammation and infections due to sinusitis, according to Dr. Grossan's Ear, Nose and Throat Consultant Page.
Maxillary sinus disease or infections occur when your sinuses become clogged with mucus. Underlying conditions that make you more susceptible to maxillary sinus disease include allergies, cystic fibrosis, nasal polyps or tumors, facial injuries, structural abnormalities of the nose like a deviated septum, and dental cavities.
Types of Symptoms
Symptoms of maxillary sinus disease include fever, facial pain, nasal congestion, coughing that occurs primarily at night, runny nose, toothaches that affect multiple teeth, pressure below your eyes and tenderness or redness of the skin below your eyes.
The symptoms of maxillary sinus disease are often worse when you are sitting or standing up and improve when you lie down, according to
In cases where bacteria are the underlying cause of sinus congestion, antibiotics are needed to treat maxillary sinus disease. Self-care and natural remedies for maxillary sinus disease include nasal irrigation or flushing your sinuses with water and hot compresses applied to the sinus area,