Pevaryl Side Effects
Common Side Effects
Some of the side effects associated with using Pevaryl include stinging at the application site, irritation in affected areas, burning sensations and flushing of the skin. While these are considered the most common side effects associated with using this medication, they do not affect a large number of users. If you experience any of these side effects, contact your doctor for an adjusted treatment method.
Severe Side Effects
Unfortunately, there are also a number of severe side effects associated with using this medication. Some of these side effects include allergic reaction, tightening of the chest, closing of the throat, difficulty breathing, skin rash, hives and swelling of the lips, mouth, tongue, and throat. These side effects are also rare and only affect a small number of users. If you experience any of these side effects, seek immediate medical attention.
Important Safety Information
If you are pregnant, about to become pregnant or breast-feeding, consult with your doctor before beginning treatment with this drug as it may be unsafe for your baby. If being applied to the genital area, it is possible that this medication may cause damage to condoms or diaphragms and cause them to become ineffective as a contraceptive measure. As a result, alternative means of contraception should be used until the infection has cleared.
Always use Pevaryl exactly as it was prescribed by your doctor and never in dosages larger than what has been recommended on the label. Pevaryl is administered as a topical cream and should be applied in an even coat over the affected area until it has been fully absorbed by the skin. Symptoms may clear right away; however, the medication must be used for at least 7-14 days to ensure that it is completely gone.
If you experience any allergic reactions, negative drug interactions or any side effects, contact your doctor immediately.
If an overdose is suspected, contact the poison control center and head directly to the nearest emergency room.
Pevaryl is meant for topical use only and should never be placed into any of the body's orifices.