Signs & Symptoms of Yeast Infection in Children
The fungus Candida is found all over the human body in very small amounts. Candida only causes a problem when it becomes overabundant.
A red, itchy rash and a burning sensation are sure signs of a yeast infection in girls and boys. In girls, it may appear on the vulva and buttocks, and in boys, it may appear on the penis and buttocks.
With girls, the rash may also be accompanied by a chunky, white discharge from the vagina. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) describe the discharge as looking similar to cottage cheese.
The use of antibiotics to fight bacterial infections can alter the amount of Candida by destroying the good bacteria that normally controls the growth of Candida, resulting in a yeast infection.
Yeast infections in children are treated with either an oral antifungal medicine, such as Diflucan, or a topical ointment, such as Monistat, depending upon the severity of the infection.