What Are the Side Effects of MRSA?
MRSA or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterial skin infection common in hospitals. Patients who develop MRSA present a number of side effects or symptoms.-
Types of Symptoms
The first symptoms or side effects of MRSA include red bumps that look like pimples. In some patients, the rash worsens, becoming deep, infected sores.
Risk Factors
Outside of a hospital or health care setting, certain people are more vulnerable to MRSA infections, including children, athletes involved in contact sports and patients with a weakened immune system from conditions like HIV, according to the Mayo Clinic.
In some patients, the MRSA infection spreads to the bones, bloodstream, heart or lungs, where it can become life-threatening.
In order to diagnose MRSA, doctors utilize tissue samples or a swab of nasal secretions. These samples are sent away for testing for staph bacteria.
Intravenous or oral antibiotics are the most common treatments for MRSA.