Lower Abdominal Pain Remedies
For people who do not visit a doctor for every little ache and pain, visiting a doctor for lower abdominal pain may seem like an overreaction. But there are a number of illnesses that can cause lower abdominal pain with sudden onset and little or no other symptoms. Appendicitis and ectopic pregnancy are two such conditions that will need immediate medical intervention. Additionally, your doctor may discover another less life-threatening condition that is the cause of your pain and provide you with a remedy for relief. Either way it would be prudent to visit your doctor for your lower abdominal pain.
Digestive Issues
Occasionally the food we eat can be the cause of pain in our lower abdomens. For instance, someone who is lactose intolerant will likely develop gas pains after consuming a dairy product. If you are experiencing abdominal pain, consider your recent food choices to see if you can identify a cause. If you think your pain is a result of your diet, take an antacid to help calm your stomach. Additionally, try to recall the last time you had a bowel movement to see if your pain might be caused by constipation. If you believe your pain is from constipation, try a low-dose, over-the-counter laxative.
If you are a woman experiencing abdominal pain, check the calendar and see if your period is the cause. From time to time many women become so busy that they lose track of when their period is due, and may find themselves surprised by sudden discomfort in their bellies. If you check the calendar and it is indeed time for your period to arrive, take the same actions you would normally take to ease your pain, which will likely include the use of a heating pad as well as some pain-killing pills such as Ibuprofen.