Adaptogen Benefits
Maca Root
Maca root is thought to increase the body's resistance through increasing virility. It is used to combat the symptoms of menopause, low libido and erectile dysfunction, all of which can take a toll on the immune system.
Aloe Vera
This adaptogen has healing qualities that are among several benefits. Aloe vera is used in skin products to hasten the healing of cuts and minors burns.
The adaptogen licorice is used to treat respiratory illnesses from the common cold to tuberculosis. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, it relieves the symptoms with its "soothing" effects and "coating agent." Licorice is also used to fight inflammation, stress and skin disorders.
Ginseng is well known as an energy boosting supplement. It is used to treat many things from menopause to hypertension. Ginseng is a immunity boosting adaptogen.
Adaptogen Requirements
There are many other adaptogens out there. You can identify them by their non-toxicity to humans, their ability to stabilize the body, and their nonspecific target area (in that it doesn't affect just one function or part of the body). Essentially, adaptogens must be safe, but provide benefits to several parts and/or systems in the body.