Recovering From Open Colon Surgery
The recovery process begins immediately. This form of surgery requires a large incision in your abdomen so the doctor can access your colon. Medication may be prescribed for pain or discomfort along the incision. Open colon surgery will leave a scar and you must keep clean and dry bandages over the incision until it heals.
This is considered major surgery and you will be monitored in the recovery room until the anesthesia wears off. Your hospital stay may be as long as a week, but it will depend on when you regain bowel function. When leaving the hospital, you'll need to arrange for a ride home. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled within two weeks of your release.
As your intestines are recovering after surgery, you may begin with a liquid through a vein in your arm. You will then progress to a liquid diet, and then go back on food after four or five days. You will be allowed to eat solid foods as your intestines recover.
You may feel weak after surgery, but as recovery progresses so will your energy. The total recovery from colon cancer surgery lasts one to two months. The process will include abdominal muscle exercise and a high-fiber diet. If open colon surgery includes a colostomy or ileostomy, you will be taught how to care for your stoma and change the ostomy bag, which is used to collect waste.
Certain risks are associated with open colon surgery recovery, such as a fever or worsening of pain. If your incision is swollen, red, draining or warm to the touch, contact your doctor. Do not take anti-diarrhea medication or laxatives if not prescribed by the doctor. If you have diarrhea, constipation or excessive gas, eat bananas, rice or applesauce, as well as eliminate any foods that promote these problems. It is important to avoid lifting heavy objects immediately after surgery because they may cause herniation. which causes the muscles in the abdominal wall to rip.