How to Kill Candida Diet
Candida-reducing diets have been introduced since the 1983 publication of Dr. William Crook's book, The Yeast Connection. In the book, Dr. Crook implies that the cause of many individuals' medical problems is diets rich in candida-producing foods (see references 1 and 2).
The Cleanse
Undergo a colon cleanse, and if possible, have a complete colonic irrigation (see Reference 3).
Increase the amount of water in your diet. A juice fast, where all solid foods are removed for the diet, is recommended for one day of the cleanse (see references 3 and 5).
Change your diet to remove red meats and fast foods, and replace the foods with organic fruits and vegetables. Maintain the cleanse diet for one week and follow up using a low-candida diet (see Reference 3).
Add meat back into your diet after the initial cleanse. Try to eat organically raised, unprocessed meats whenever possible. Add probiotic foods to your diet such as live-culture yoga, nuts, seeds, and oils (see Reference 3).
Avoid cheese, chocolate, gluten (found in wheat flours and baked goods), sugar, and alcohol. Dried fruits, mushrooms, lactose and peanuts should be restricted as well (see Reference 4).
Replace grains with low-gluten substitutes such as homemade whole wheat bread. Replace yeast-risen wheat breads with millet or rice breads. Reduce and eliminate processed sugars from the diet in forms of desserts and processed carbohydrates. Candida can thrive in sugary environments (see Reference 4).
Exercise daily, as it helps stimulate the bowels and will cause the colon to better process foods. Maintain a high intake of water to prevent dehydration from slowing the natural movement of the bowels (see Reference 3).
Take a green algae supplement to help stave off candidiasis (see references 3 and 4).
Follow up the candida diet with acidophilus, grapefruit seed extract, bentonite and black walnut herb, as these supplements can help to regulate the amount of candida in the intestine (see references 3 and 4).
Eat garlic, as it has been found to help with the reduction of candida in the intestinal tract (see references 3 and 4).