How to Cure Seasickness After Returning to Land
Things You'll Need
- Ginger (soda, candy, cookie)
- Sea-Band
- Dramamine or Bonine
- Water or sports drink
Drink ginger ale, or eat something containing ginger. Ginger is a root that can be found powdered, in candy, teas, cookies and other items. Ginger has the ability to calm and soothe your stomach.
Distract yourself. Though seasickness is not in your head, keeping your mind busy can actually help settle your stomach. Seasickness occurs when your eyes and inner ear conflict and lead your brain to believe that something is wrong. Nausea is your stomach's reaction to dizziness. Play a quick game of I Spy with a friend. Focus on objects in the distance so your brain and stomach can get back on the same page. Focusing on objects at close range, like reading or playing handheld video games, can exacerbate your symptoms.
Get acupressure or wear an acupressure wristband. Sea-Band (see Resources) helps ease symptoms of seasickness. If you can't find an anti-nausea wristband, do acupressure on yourself. With the tips of your index and middle finger, gently apply pressure to the P6 point, which is located between the two tendons that are 5 cm beneath the inside of your wrist crease. Hold this position for the count of 10 and repeat one or two times.
Chew a few pieces of gum containing dimenhydrinate (like Dramamine) or meclozine (sold as Bonine). Let the wad of gum sit beneath your tongue or the inside of your cheek. It takes an hour or two for the medicine to fully take effect, but it does begin working quickly as it is absorbed into your bloodstream.
Vomit. No one enjoys throwing up, but it's one of the best cures for nausea. Afterward, be sure to drink water or a sports beverage. Vomiting is dehydrating. You also need to keep your electrolytes up.