Tapeworm Remedy
Wormwood is a very powerful herb that stimulates the eliminate of toxins and waste from the systems. Wormwood can eliminate tapeworms and other parasites quickly, but it can cause strong side effects if used for long periods of time, such as vomiting and insomnia. Wormwood can be found in tincture form, as well as in capsules, and should only be taken short term to get rid of tapeworms.
Garlic is highly effective at purging toxins from the intestines and digestive system, including parasites such as tapeworms. Garlic is a powerful immunity booster, and can not only cleanse the system of tapeworm, but can improve overall health at the same time. For intestinal worms, use garlic as an enema. Bring one cup of water to a boil, then put in one clove of garlic, chopped finely. Boil the mixture for 10-15 minutes, and cool it completely. Strain the mixture, and pour the strained liquid into an enema bag. Use the enema as you normally would.
Carrots, when eaten in bulk, can effectively push out tapeworms living in the intestinal tract. Due to their high vitamin and fiber content, carrots are powerful at purging the system of parasitic infestations. Drink plenty of water, and eat only raw carrots for two to three days. This will push out the tapeworm, which will be eliminated in the stool.
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds work in a similar way as carrots, and will push out parasitic infestations such as tapeworms. Pumpkin seeds must be eaten in bulk, and are a safe and effective way to cleanse the, digestive tract,. Grind 7-14 oz. of un-shelled pumpkin seeds in a food grinder, and combine with 1/2 cup of milk and 1 tsp. of honey. Eat the mixture when the stomach is completely empty, and follow it with 1 tsp. of castor oil. The treatment will purge the tapeworm.
Pineapple Mayweed
Pineapple mayweed is an herb that is dried and used to create a tea that should be drunk twice a day to eliminate tapeworms. Use 2 tsp. of pineapple mayweed, and steep it in hot water for 15 minutes. Strain the tea, and drink it hot in the morning before eating, and at night before bed.