Characteristics of Roundworms
According to the NIAID, ascariasis and other roundworms (nematodes) are a group of invertebrates (animals with no backbone) with long, circular bodies. They can be large enough to be viewed by the naked eye or so incredibly tiny that they can only be detected a microscope.
Most parasitic roundworm eggs are found in the ground and gain access to the human body when a person unknowingly gets them on their hands and they eventually spread into the mouth. Parasitic eggs are also able to penetrate the skin and enter the body.
Nearly all adult roundworms ultimately turn human intestines into their homes. Their presence causes infection and disease. The NIAID says the ascariasis is similar in appearance to the common earthworm. The female worm may grow to be as thick as a pencil and up to one foot long. It's possible for the human body to become infected with up to 100 worms. Adult worms can survive for as long as two years.
Poor personal hygiene is one of the leading factors in roundworms gaining access into the human body. Other causes include inadequate sanitation systems, unclean water supplies and congested environments where there is poor access to health care.
Parasitic diseases are not restricted to poverty-stricken areas or developing countries. They can pose health issues for all populations in the U.S .and elsewhere. Ascariasis worms thrive in milder climates and are more common in the southern U.S.
Many people have some roundworm infection and never experience symptoms, but a common first sign of a roundworm problem is to notice a live worm in your stool or vomit.
A heavy infection of the worms can lead to a partial or complete blockage of the small intestine. This may produce vomiting and intense abdominal pain, and cause difficulty sleeping and restlessness.
When an infection is severe your pancreas might become inflamed. Serious infections can be life-threatening, particularly when they cause blockages.
Anti-parasite drugs, including mebendazol, albendazole (Albenza) and pyrantel pamoate (Pin-X) are the main treatment against ascariasis. These medications destroy adult worms 90 percent of the time. It may take several doses to kill the infestation.
Surgery may be required in severe cases to remove worms and mend the damage they have caused. Complications that may necessitate surgery include appendicitis and intestinal or bile duct obstructions.