Adrenal Fatigue Recovery
Adrenal Glands
The adrenal glands are located above the kidneys. They are small but mighty and are responsible for the releasing of more than 50 hormones. If these glands are not working at optimal level, adrenal exhaustion or fatigue may occur.
Some Symptoms
Symptoms of adrenal exhaustion include the inability to lose weight, salt cravings, insomnia, absent-mindedness, decreased sex drive, and decreased ability to handle stress. Another identification marker is the presence of a clear pattern of energy lows (the same time every day). Some or all of these symptoms may be present. Always consult with a physician because these symptoms may be caused by other conditions. Work with a physician who recognizes that adrenal exhaustion is a syndrome.
Lifestyle Changes
Do not be taken in by claims that suggest instant healing. However, there are some actions that will bring long-term relief. The first is to reduce stress in your life. Learn relaxation skills such as meditation, systematic muscle relaxation or deep breathing. Evaluate your time and identify areas that you can cut in order to have more time for decompressing. Find a counselor or friend to work with you on developing skills in this area. Laugh often, since this exercises your adrenal glands. Get plenty of sleep and sleep in late whenever you can. Take regularly scheduled mini-breaks each day. Don't skip meals and add protein-rich snacks. All these changes can improve the efficiency of the adrenal glands.
Diet Changes
Consume carbohydrates that are whole grains and decrease substantially those that are processed. When eating a carbohydrate, add a protein to eat with it. Proteins are found in nuts, dairy and meat or in a combination of legumes and grains. Increase the amount of vegetables you eat. Have healthy fats at each meal in the form of oils such as olive, safflower or nuts. Add sea salt (1/8 tsp. in 8 oz. of water at least in the am and before your lowest energy time). Avoid caffeine, trans and saturated fats, chocolate, processed food and junk food.
Some supplements that may help with adrenal fatigue are magnesium and calcium. Vitamins to add to your daily intake include B, C, and E. You may want to try licorice root extract as part of your daily diet, as there is some suggestion that this helps with the condition. As with any changes in your daily intake or lifestyle, be in communication with your medical provider.