Side Effects of Polacrilex
Common Side Effects
Side effects include dizziness, hiccups, nausea, sore throat, watery eyes, headache, runny nose, constipation, taste changes, coughing, sneezing, white sores on the inside of the mouth, and redness and itching where the patch is worn. While these are considered the most common side effects associated with using this medication, they only affect a small amount of users.
Severe Side Effects
Some of the severe side effects include allergic reaction, hives, difficulty breathing, rash, tightening of the chest, swelling of the mouth and lips, seizures, irregular heartbeat, and chest pain. These side effects are also very rare and do not affect a large amount of users.
Important Safety Information
Do not use this medication if you are pregnant as it can have a harmful effect on the unborn fetus. Consult with your doctor if you become pregnant while using the medication for an adjusted treatment method. Never smoke while using Polacrilex as it will negate the effects of the medication. Always be sure to remove the patch before you undergo any type of X-ray or MRI examination.
Always use this medication exactly as it was prescribed to you by your doctor and never in dosages that exceed what has been recommended on the label. The medication is administered as a patch and should be placed in a new part of the body each time you replace one. Never use the same area of skin within a seven-day span as it can cause some of the adverse side effects to take place. Always apply the new patch when you wake up in the morning and take it off before bedtime.
If you experience any of the aforementioned side effects, contact your doctor immediately.
If an overdose of Polacrilex is suspected, contact your poison control center and head directly to the nearest emergency room.
Polacrilex is meant to treat addiction to nicotine and should never be used for any other purpose unless specifically instructed to do so by a doctor.