Triamzide Side Effects
Common Side Effects
As mentioned, there are certain side effects associated with using this medication. Some of these side effects include nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, stomach cramps, upset stomach, dry mouth, confusion, irregular heartbeat, unusual weakness, slow pulse, constipation and mood changes. While these are considered the most common side effects associated with using this medication, they only affect a small amount of users.
Severe Side Effects
Unfortunately, there are also a number of severe side effects associated with using Triamzide. Some of these side effects include black stools, chills, fever, joint pain, painful urination, red spots on skin, hives, severe stomach pain, vomiting, yellowing of the skin and eyes, skin rash, severe nausea, and cough. These side effects are also very rare and do not affect a large amount of users.
Important Safety Information
It is important to regularly monitor your progress while taking Triamzide, and it is recommended to schedule regular visits with your doctor until you have been fully treated. This medication may also significantly change the amount of potassium in your body, so consult with your doctor to find out if your potassium levels have changed since beginning the medication. This medication has caused increased susceptibility to sunburn in some users. It is recommended to use at least SPF 15 while in direct sunlight throughout the course of treatment.
Always use this medication in direct conjunction with your doctor's orders and never in dosages that exceed what has been recommended on the label. The medication is administered in pill form and should be taken in the morning after breakfast. If you are required to take more than one dose of the medication, take the second dose no later than 6 p.m., as it has been known to cause sleep problems in some users. If you miss a dose of the medication, take it as soon as possible.
If you experience any of the aforementioned side effects, contact a local physician immediately.
If an overdose of Triamzide is suspected, contact your local poison control center and head directly to the nearest emergency room.
Triamzide is meant in the treatment of the above ailments only and should never be used for any other medical purpose unless specifically prescribed by a doctor.