Side Effects of Pregnenlone
Liver Side Effects
Long-term use of steroids, such as pregnenolone, have been found to damage the liver, according to research conducted by the Association Against Steroid Abuse. If steroids are used over a long period of time a condition called peliosis hepatitis can occur. Peliosis hepatitis refers to the formation of blood-filled cysts in the liver. If the cysts are not treated, liver failure can occur.
Cardiovascular Side Effects
Pregnenolone increases the amount of LDL (bad cholesterol) while simultaneously lowering levels of HDL (good cholesterol), according to research conducted by the Association Against Steroid Abuse. This can cause the development of high blood pressure and makes the development of blood clots more likely. The increase in muscle mass from extended pregnenolone use can also place additional strain on the heart. This is because additional mass requires the heart to produce more blood.
Growth and Development
Extended use of any steroid by an adolescent can cause growth and developmental issues. When a person enters adolescence, the brain detects how much of a body hormone is present. The brain will tell the body to stop growing once the amount of hormones present reaches a normal level. The use of steroids, such as pregnenolone, can cause the brain to send this message prematurely, resulting in stunted growth. In addition, stunted growth can cause additional strain on ligaments and muscles, resulting in sprains and tears.
Effects On Mentality
The use of steroids, including pregnenolone, can cause changes in the way the brain develops. The changes that can occur are dependent on the age at which the steroid use begins. Using steroids during adolescence can cause changes to the way the brain makes serotonin. Serotonin is responsible for governing how the brain and body react to stimulation. A low level of serotonin can cause a person to have trouble sensing pleasure. A low serotonin level can cause anxiety issues and depression to develop.
The use of pregnenolone can cause nausea is some users. This is because the body may need time to adjust (develop a tolerance) to the presence of an increased amount of pregnenolone. This tolerance generally develops within three to four days of taking the first dose. If nausea continues to be an issue for a person taking pregnenolone, alternate treatment options should be considered.