Dizziness Home Treatments
Understanding Dizziness
Natural-homeremedies.org describes dizziness as the feeling of spinning and lightheadedness; a feeling of movement. Sometimes dizziness is described as vertigo. However, experts agree that vertigo is the most severe kind of dizziness. Vertigo can be caused by the problems in the brain or the inner ear. Dizziness is often accompanied by nausea and blurred vision.
eMedicineHealth.com tells readers that causes of dizziness can vary widely and include inner ear issues, high or low blood pressure, reaction to medications, blood sugar issues, blood circulation problems, a head injury or mental health illnesses, such as depression or anxiety. It is important to note that there are more sinister causes, such as oncoming heart attacks or strokes. While dizziness often occurs without being associated with a serious medical condition, it is advisable for those who experience dizziness, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms, to visit a doctor for diagnosis.
MayoClinic.com advises patients who experience symptoms to take time when standing or changing position, to avoid worsening symptoms. They also recommend drinking water, as dehydration can also worsen dizziness.
The health advisory website Livestrong.com recommends eye and head movement exercises to help alleviate dizziness.
For example, sit down and, without head movement, look up and down in sets of 20 repetitions. Then try moving your head from left to right in sets of 20. Perform these exercises in 10-minute increments periodically throughout your day.
Another exercise is to try walking across several pillows laid across the floor in front of you. Be careful to perform this exercise with the assistance of a helper to avoid injury from a possible fall.
Oral Remedies
MamaHerb.com, an online resource for natural home remedies, reports that applying a few drops of peppermint oil, also known as Mentha piperita, has been reported to help people suffering from dizziness. Patients are also advised to eat foods containing wheat, poppy seeds and almonds. Watermelon is also said to offer some relief from dizziness. Some holistic advisers suggest combining wheat grain, pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds and almonds and grinding them into a paste, which should then be boiled with milk and ingested to get the maximum benefit of these ingredients. One advantage of these options is that they will not result in any side effects, like some prescription medications can.