How to Rebuild Your Adrenals
Things You'll Need
- Sleep
- Protein
- Salt
- Vegetables
- Nuts and seeds
- Multi-vitamin
Minimize stress in your life by delegating work and treating yourself to massage, hot baths, funny movies, a walk in the park, or any other activity you find relaxing and pleasurable. Heal any emotional hurts you may still harbor from the past.
Go to bed by 10 p.m. and sleep until 9 a.m., if possible, because during these hours the adrenals work the hardest to repair the body. Getting a lot of sleep allows cortisol levels to remain low and the adrenals to fully rest.
Eat breakfast within an hour of getting up to restore blood sugar levels after using glycogen stores at night. Eat regularly throughout the day to prevent your blood sugar from dropping and spiking, which puts more stress on the adrenals, and make your evening meal the lightest one of the day. Drink a glass of water with a half teaspoon of sea salt with breakfast to lightly increase blood pressure (low blood pressure is very common in those who suffer adrenal fatigue).
Consume fresh, whole, organic foods without artificial colors, chemicals, preservatives or hormones. Eat plenty of raw vegetables as well as raw nuts and seeds, which contain fatty acids that are essential for adrenal gland function. Each meal, especially breakfast, should consist of some protein like meat, fish or eggs to even out your blood sugar, which can also help thwart caffeine and sugar cravings.
Avoid caffeine, sugar (including too much fruit), simple carbohydrates like white flour, pasta and rice, and starchy foods such as potatoes. It's tempting when your energy is low to grab a pick-me-up like coffee, soda, a doughnut or a candy bar, but once the sugar or caffeine high fades, your blood sugar will be lower than ever. Limit high-potassium foods like bananas, dates, figs, raisins and grapefruit.
Take a good multi-vitamin daily to optimize adrenal gland function. Minerals like magnesium provide energy for your adrenals; calcium and other trace minerals like zinc, manganese, selenium, and iodine provide a calming effect on the body; and all vitamins and minerals will help lower your cortisol output.