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Flu & Cold Symptoms
Common Cold Symptoms
Symptoms of the common cold are runny nose, sneezing and itchy watery eyes and can come on slowly and last for several weeks.
Colds Are Relatively Harmless
Colds do not usually cause pneumonia, ear infections or other complications that would require hospitalization, while the flu can.
Flu Symptoms Can Be Severe
Flu symptoms can come on suddenly and be severe.
When the flue hits, you could have a fever of more than 101 degrees, alternating chills and sweating, a headache, achy muscles, vomiting and diarrhea.
Common Cold and Flu Symptoms
Symptoms that are common to the cold and the flu include: nasal congestion; sore throat; sneezing; itchy, watery eyes; fatigue; and a cough.
Flu Vaccination
Luckily, there is a vaccination for the flu virus to protect you from getting it each season.