Prevention Methods for Liver Cancer
Hepatitis B
Decrease your chances of liver cancer with the hepatitis B vaccine, which will provide almost complete protection for the liver for years. This vaccine is beneficial in preventing liver infections, cirrhosis of the liver or any other scarring of the organ.
Hepatitis C
Practice safe sex. Hepatitis C, for which there is no known vaccine, can spread through unprotected intercourse, so always use a condom. Make sure that the needle that administers intravenous medication or drugs is disposable, or if not, at least sterilized. Never share your needle with anyone. Drug equipment with contamination is considered the main reason behind the spread of hepatitis C.
If you are getting a piercing or a tattoo, be aware of the establishment's hygiene and safety practices. Make sure that the needles are always sterilized or are disposable. Take your business elsewhere if their safety practices are not up to the mark.
No effective liver screening method can warn of or prevent the condition. People considered at risk have hepatitis B, liver cirrhosis from extended alcohol abuse, or a family history of liver cancer. Hepatitis C or any inherited form of hemochromatosis, a condition where the body stores vast amounts of iron, can lead to liver cancer.
General Measures
Though not known for sure, some nutrients and herbs such as astragalus, scutellaria and goldenseal have been thought to influence liver cancer prevention. High intake of milk and related dairy products such as curd and yogurt along with large portions of white meat like chicken and turkey might help prevent liver cancer. According to researchers, a diet rich in fruits and green vegetables, apart from providing balanced and healthy nutrition at any time, might also go a long way in prevention of liver cancer.