Alternative Treatments for Bronchitis

Bronchitis is an infection of the major bronchial tubes that lead to the lungs. This infection is painful and often caused by a virus. Bronchitis can be accompanied by severe coughing, thick mucus, aching pain behind the breastbone and shortness of breath. A normally healthy person can usually rely on self-care to treat bronchitis.
  1. Humidify

    • Add moisture to the air with a warm or cool mist humidifier. This will promote coughing, which is the body's way of bringing up the infection. A steamy shower will also help.


    • Drink extra fluids. It does not matter what type of liquids are taken. They help the mucus stay in liquid form so it can be coughed up easier.


    • Add 1 tsp of salt in an 8 oz. glass of water. Gargle often and spit out the salty water. This sooths the throat and cuts through the mucus coating the throat.


    • Stay still while suffering from bronchitis. Activity will make the symptoms worse and potentially spread the germs to others.


    • Take aspirin or ibuprofen to relieve the muscle pain from coughing. These are pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications. Do not give aspirin to children because of the risk of Reye's Syndrome.

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