Home Remedies to Kill a Yeast Infection

Yeast infections are caused by a yeast fungus, candida albicans. These tiny organisms naturally live in our digestive and genital tracts. An overgrowth of yeast leads to skin rashes, vaginal infections, and thrush. By keeping an acidic environment in your body, you are able to prevent or reduce these infections. Try out some of these home remedies to add healthy bacteria to your bloodstream, support your immune system and kill off yeast.
  1. Diet

    • Sugar, processed foods, refined flour and alcohol all promote the growth of yeast. Control your levels of candida by eating eggs, fish, chicken, spinach, tomatoes, avocados, legumes, peas and whole grains. Refrain from eating any dairy products. Dairy suppresses immune systems and creates an ideal environment for yeast. Eat sugar free yogurt to get the healthy bacteria acidophilus. Lactobacillus acidophilus is able to restore the body's balance and fend off fungi. You can also take acidophilus in a capsule form, but be sure to keep your bottle refrigerated.


    • Garlic has abundant properties for fighting off yeast. According to author Tori Hudson N.D who wrote "Women's Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine," garlic is one of the best herbs to take for a yeast infection. Try to prepare meals with lots of garlic or take two garlic capsules three times a day. You can also use garlic as aq suppository if you have vaginitis. Make small holes in the garlic and tie a string through the holes like a tampon. Insert into the vagina for 15 minutes a day.

    Other Home Remedies

    • Tea tree oil is used to treat many fungal infections. Mix three drops of oil with 2 tbsp. of vegetable oil and rub into skin or use the tea tree oil directly on a yeast rash. You can make an antifungal suppository by mixing five drops of tea tree oil, five drops of garlic oil, five drops of thuja oil, one capsule of vitamin A and 1 tsp. cocoa butter. Apply to a tampon, insert the tampon overnight and take it out in the morning. Follow the steps above for seven days.

      Cranberry juice also aids in preventing bacteria from clinging to urinary walls, and can help to relieve a yeast infection. Drink a glass of unsweetened juice a day or take cranberry capsules.

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