Home Remedy for Runny Nose & Sneezing
Use Nettle to Soothe
Many people don't realize the benefits of the herb nettle. It is proven to ease nasal passage inflammation, congestion and itchy feelings within the nose. It is all these things that lead to sneezing, which in turn lead to runny noses. There are many ways to take nettle and it usually works almost immediately. You can create a nettle tea by boiling nettle in water, then removing it. It is easier to take nettle supplements, though (found at health food stores). Once your nose starts to itch or you begin to sneeze, take the nettle to soothe it.
Change Your Diet
There are natural elements you can incorporate into your diet that will help reduce sneezing or a runny nose. These items help reduce the amount of histamine that the body releases, which is what causes the runny nose and sneezing. One of these things is orange juice or another citrus juice like grapefruit juice, since it contains a lot of vitamin C (vitamin C helps reduce histamines). Also, eating large quantities of vegetables can help reduce the amount of histamines your body releases because they are rich in bioflavonoids. Try eating things like steamed broccoli, spinach, peppers or carrots.
Use Salt Solution In Your Nose
Saline solution has been used for decades to help relieve runny nose symptoms that have to do with illness or allergies. It may be uncomfortable at first, but will really help you because it can remove allergens, dry out secretions and pretty much rinse out your nostrils. You can create one at home by dissolving 1/2 teaspoon of salt into an 8-ounce glass of filtered warm water. Use an eye or nose dropper and dip it into the solution after all the salt has dissolved. Suck it up into the dropper, tilt your head back and insert the dropper's end slightly into one of your nostrils. As your press down on the dropper, inhale slightly through your nose. Do this in each nostril at least twice, then blow out the watery discharge afterward so it doesn't run into your stomach.