Cure for a Yeast Infection in the Mouth
Causes and Symptoms
Yeast infections in the mouth can be caused by several factors. Certain medications that disturb the balance of flora in the body are antibiotics, corticosteroids and birth control pills. Along with thrush these medications can also cause vaginal yeast infections in women. Illnesses where oral Candida infections are more prevalent include diabetes mellitus, Sjogren's syndrome (reduced saliva), a weakened immune system, having HIV infection, AIDS and receiving chemotherapy. Thrush is also seen in babies, but not considered abnormal unless it lasts for several weeks.
Oral thrush affects people no matter what age causing a burning or painful sensation of the tongue and mouth. Formation of white patches (a "cottage cheese" appearance) can be seen and tends to bleed if scraped. Along with pain, some people have difficulty swallowing.
Diagnosis is made when a physician examines the mouth to find these white lesions. A swab of the lesion is taken and sent to a laboratory where a microscopic examination can confirm the Candida organism.
Treatment for Thrush
Antifungal medications are usually prescribed to treat Candida infections. These medications come in forms of liquids, lozenges and tablets and are usually given for 10 to 14 days. Along with a healthy diet, practitioners sometimes advise to take a probiotic or lacto bacillus acidophilus along with the prescribed medication.
The most common form of treatment is Nystatin. It is an oral suspension used at the onset of diagnosis and is effective. Nystatin is not absorbed in the blood stream so it works directly in the area of infection. The most common way to take Nystatin is to swish and swallow the liquid. It coats the mouth and kills fungi by interfering with their cell membranes and causes the fungal infection to break down.
Ketoconazoles are antifungal preparations such as Mycelex, Monistat and Nizoral. Diflucan and Sporanox act in a similar way as Ketoconazoles with a once daily dose, but they are costly.
Alternative remedies for thrush include grapefruit seed extract, capricin tea, grape seed oil, garlic and gentian violet.
Most importantly is the therapeutic diet to prevent the re-growth of the yeast organism. In this diet, one must avoid refined carbohydrates, sugar, white flour and alcohol. Also, foods that have been dried, fermented or that contain yeasts or molds must be excluded.
Sterilizing the toothbrush in household hydrogen peroxide will also help prevent the re-contamination of this organism that will live on the brush. Thrush must be treated effectively or it will return.